January 31, 2019

Download Automated Income Tax Excel Based Software All in One for West Bengal Govt Employees for F.Y. 2018-19 With TAX BENEFIT ON HOME LOANS

So as to make owning a house moderate government gives certain tax reductions on home Loan.

Reasoning in regard to enthusiasm on home Loan Advances

Area 24(b) of the Income Tax Act, permits you a derivation for enthusiasm on cash acquired to purchase, build, fix or remaking of any of your property whether private or business. With the end goal of this reasoning, even the handling expense paid for preparing your home credits and additionally any pre-installment charges paid to the bank or lodging money organizations are likewise treated as premium and you can guarantee these expense paid as premium. For being qualified for the conclusion in regard to premium, you can obtain from anybody, including your companions and relatives, as long as you can demonstrate that the cash acquired is utilized for indicated purposes.

The measure of reasoning accessible for intrigue is reliant on whether the property is let out or is self-possessed. On the off chance that the equivalent is utilized to possess living arrangement or is saved for claim occupation, you can guarantee a derivation up to Rs. 2 lakhs consistently in regard to such self-possessed property. Be that as it may if the property being referred to is given one you a chance to can guarantee full premium paid on cash so obtained against the rental payments of the property.

On the off chance that you possess and involve more than one house, you need to choose any of the houses as self-involved and the other house/s is esteemed to have been let out. In regard to the property which is considered to have been let out, you have to offer a market lease for tax assessment. Since such property despite the fact that is self-involved yet is treated as let out, you can guarantee full enthusiasm for regard of cash obtained for such property.

Figured you can guarantee full enthusiasm on home credit in regard of let out property or considered to have been let out property there is a limit of misfortune under the head "pay from house property" which you can set off against different earnings, which is Rs. 2 lakhs in a year. The misfortune under the head "Pay from House Property" which can not be set off against other pay amid the year can be stolen forward for set away against salary from House property in next eight years.

In regard to an under-development property, the installment of EMIs, for the most part, begins after development is finished aside from in instances of excessive deferral in the consummation of development. For an underdevelopment property, the tax break in regard of intrigue can't be asserted till development is finished and ownership is gotten. This advantage can be asserted for the entire year in which the ownership is taken so regardless of whether ownership is gone up against 31st March of the year, you can guarantee the advantage for the enthusiasm for regard of the entire year.

For the period amid such property stays under development, despite everything you need to pay the enthusiasm on distributions made amid that period till development is finished and ownership gave over. This intrigue is called Pre EMI intrigue. You can guarantee a total of the Pre EMI intrigue paid amid the development time frame in five equivalent portions starting from the year in which development finished.

This finding is accessible inside the general furthest reaches of Rs 2 lakh for self-possessed house property. In any case on the off chance that you move the underdevelopment property before finishing five years in the wake of collecting, the case for the rest of the years is lost. Anyway, in the event that the property is sold before taking the ownership, the intrigue paid on such credit can be promoted and guaranteed as an expense while processing capital gains as and when you move the property.

Notwithstanding the home advance advantage for enthusiasm under Section 24(b), Section 80 EE likewise permits you derivation for enthusiasm on home credit taken, for a little house up to fifty lakhs, from money related organizations like banks and lodging account organizations. This advantage is accessible if the home credit is endorsed between first April 2016 and 31st March 2017, gave the measure of home advance does not surpass thirty-five lakhs. This tax break on enthusiasm on home credit under Section 80EE is limited to fifty thousand rupees consistently given you didn't claim any house on the day the home advance is authorized. This finding can be guaranteed notwithstanding for intrigue paid amid the development time frame as the state of finish of house property isn't endorsed here.

Derivations for reimbursement of vital

Under Section 80 C, an individual and a HUF can guarantee a derivation up to Rs 1.50 lakh for vital reimbursement of home advance taken for a private house alongside other qualified things like Public Provident Fund, Employee Provident Fund, extra security premium, National Saving Certificates Equity Linked Saving Scheme and so forth. This derivation must be guaranteed in regard to home advance taken from determined substances like banks and lodging money organizations, and so forth. This derivation can likewise be asserted from the year in which the development of the house is finished and ownership is taken. You have to proceed to claim this house, on which home credit is taken, for least time of five years from the year's end in which the home advance was taken. In the event that you exchange this property inside five years, the reasoning guaranteed in before years is turned around and treated as the pay of the year in which the house is sold.

Click to Download the Automated All in One Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software for Only West Bengal Govt Employees for the Financial Year 2018-19.

Main Feature of this Excel Utility are:-
1)    This Excel Utility can use like as an Excel File and easy to generate
2)    Income Tax Calculation with Tax Computed Sheet Individually can prepare after filling the Salary Structure
3)    Automated House Rent Exemption Calculation U/s 10(13A)
4)    Individual Salary Structure as per W.B.Govt employee’s salary structure.
5)    Automated Income Tax Form 16 Part A&B for F.Y.2018-19

6)    Automated Income Tax Form 16 Part B for F.Y.2018-19