January 11, 2019

Download Automated Income Tax Master of Form 16 Part B for F.Y. 2018-19 With Best Tax Saving Options for 2018-19

Which are the Best Tax Saving Options for 2018-19? What are the Best Tax Saving Options for Salaried for 2018-19? Financial Year 2018-19 previously began. Be that as it may, a considerable lot of us, unfortunately, get up toward the conclusion to search for best duty sparing alternatives. Rather, it is in every case best to begin to assess making arrangements for the main day of money related year. Thus, let us take a gander at the alternatives accessible.

Expense Planning or Tax Saving is anything but an awful idea. Be that as it may, the terrible idea is to contribute JUST FOR SAVING TAX. Rather, you need to initially recognize your budgetary objectives. In view of the time skyline of the objective, do the benefit distribution among obligation and value. Inside obligation or value, while at long last contributing, you may pick the item which likewise gives you an alternative to spare expense.

Be that as it may, a significant number of doing the invert. We as a whole in the sleeping mode for the entire monetary year. We get up amid the money related year-end. In a rush to spare expense, we put resources into awful items which not the slightest bit may assist us in reaching our money-related objectives.

Expense Planning or Tax Saving must begin from the primary day of money related year. This will give you the preferred standpoint to design well and spare duty.

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What is the contrast between Exemption and reasoning?

In the event that a salary is absolved from the expense, it is excluded in the calculation of pay. Be that as it may, the conclusion is given from salary chargeable to impose. Excluded salary will never surpass the measure of pay. Notwithstanding, the deduct might be not exactly or equivalent to or more than the measure of pay.

Remittances accessible to spare assessment for 2018-19

# Standard Deduction of Rs.40,000

In reality, I need to put this under Deductions. Notwithstanding, this standard derivation supplanted the current remittances. Henceforth, I put it here for better understanding.

Prior you used to guarantee Rs.15,000 under Medical Allowance and Travel Allowance. Be that as it may, with impact from FY 2018-19, you can guarantee the direct Rs.40,000 conclusion rather than these two stipends.

This finding clearly for salaried and retired people. This is regardless of the measure of assessable compensation you will get the reasoning of Rs.40,000 or assessable pay, whichever is less.

Download Automated Income Tax Form 16 Part B for the Financial Year 2018-19 [ This Excel Utility Can prepare at a time 50 employees Form 16 Part B ]

Subsequently, let us accept for FY 2018-19, you worked just for few days. Your pay is assessable compensation is Rs.50,000. In such a situation, you can specifically guarantee the reasoning of Rs.40,000. Notwithstanding, on the off chance that your compensation is under Rs.40,000 (state Rs.20,000), you need to guarantee just Rs.20,000 however not Rs.40,000.

# Mobile/Telephone Reimbursement

On the off chance that your boss offering you the versatile/phone association or web association which requires for work, at that point you can guarantee 100% of such expense. Be that as it may, you need to deliver the bill. Just the postpaid associations are taken into account repayment.

# Leave Travel Allowance

The bills for your movement against LTA can be asserted for exclusion. It is permitted to be guaranteed twice in a square of four years. The present square is 2014 to 2017. You can convey forward your unclaimed LTA to the following year. You can ask for your manager to not deduct impose on it and enable you to guarantee it one year from now.

# Entertainment Allowances

You might get this stipend. Notwithstanding, the exception is accessible just for Government workers. The measure of exclusion is the slightest of the accompanying.

a) Rs 5,000

b) 1/fifth of compensation (barring any stipend, benefits or different perquisites)

c) Actual diversion recompense got

# House Rent Allowance (HRA)

This is the well-known exclusion which is utilized by numerous salaried people. Notwithstanding, the wrongful conviction is that whatever the lease they pay is really exempted from their salary. The fact of the matter is extraordinary. The measure of exclusion is the slightest of the accompanying.

an) Actual HRA Received

b) 40% of Salary (half, if house arranged in Mumbai, Calcutta, Delhi or Madras)

c) Rent paid short 10% of the pay

(Salary= Basic + DA (if part of retirement advantage) + Turnover based Commission)

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# Children Education Allowance 
On the off chance that your manager giving this stipend, you can take exception up to Rs.100 every month per youngster (greatest of up to 2 kids). Along these lines, month to month you can spare Rs.200 from this stipend. The exception may appear to be so low. Be that as it may, for what reason to make good on the government expense?

# Hostel Expenditure Allowance-If your boss giving this recompense, at that point you can take exclusion Up to Rs. 300 every month for each youngster up to a greatest of 2 kids is excluded. In this way, you can spare around most extreme of Rs.600 from this stipend. 
# Conveyance Allowance 
This is the unexpected stipend in comparison to transport recompense. It is the user allowed to a representative to meet the costs of transport in performing his office obligations. There is no restriction on this. In the event that such transport stipend is Rs.5,000 per month, entire remittance is excluded. Thus, you may this might be excluded to the degree of consumption brought about for authority purposes.

# Any Allowance to meet the expense of movement on visitor on the exchange

Here likewise no restriction. The representative can guarantee excluded to the degree of use caused for authority purposes.

# Allowance to meet the expense of movement on visitor on an exchange

Here additionally no restriction. The representative can guarantee excluded to the degree of use acquired for authority purposes.

# Daily Allowance

In the event that you are not put in typical obligation put, your boss may give you such remittance. The worker can guarantee absolved to the degree of use brought about for authority purposes.

These are the significant recompenses, which can be used to spare assessment on pay salary. There are a couple of different stipends additionally to guarantee the exception. Be that as it may, a significant number of such recompenses are not all that renowned. Henceforth, I left them to list.

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Best Tax Saving Options for 2018-19 
Presently given us a chance to talk about the derivations accessible for 2018-19. Utilizing these findings you can spare the assessment. 

Segment 80C 
This is the well-known area which frequently utilized by all of salaried. The most extreme limit for the present year is Rs.1,50,000. Along these lines, up to Rs.1,50,000, you can spare duty on pay from this area alone. The distinctive speculations you do and can likewise be asserted under Sec.80C are recorded beneath.

•           Life Insurance premium (Paid by an individual, companion, and tyke. On account of HUF, on the life of any individual from HUF).

•           EPF-Employee commitment can be asserted for reasoning.

•           Public Provident Fund (Paid by an individual, mate, and kid. On account of HUF, on the life of any individual from HUF).

•           National Savings Certificate (NSC).

•           Sukanya Samriddhi Account

•           ELSS or Tax Saving Mutual Funds.

•           Senior Citizen Savings Scheme.

•           5-Years Post Office or Bank Deposits.

•           Tuition expense of children.

•           Principal installment towards home advance.

•           Stamp obligation and enlistment cost of the house.

# Sec.80CCC

Derivation under Sec.80CCC is accessible just for people. Commitment to an annuity plan of the LIC of India or some other back up plan for getting the benefits. Do recollect that the sum ought to be paid or stored out of pay chargeable to impose.

The greatest sum deductible under Sec.80CCC is Rs.1.5 lakh. Do recall this is likewise the piece of the joined furthest reaches of Rs.1.5 lakh accessible under Sec.80C, Sec.80CCC, and Sec.80CCD(1).

# Sec.80CCD1

•           The most extreme advantage accessible is Rs.1.5 lakh (counting Sec.80C limit).

•           A person's greatest 20% of yearly pay (Earlier it was 10% however after Budget 2017, it expanded to 20%) or a workers (10% of Basic+DA) commitment will be qualified for finding.

•           As I said over, this segment will frame the piece of Sec.80C limit.

# Sec.80CCD2

•           There is a misguided judgment among numerous that there is no maximum limit for this area. Notwithstanding, the limit is slightest of 3 conditions. 1) Amount contributed by a business, 2) 10% of Basic+DA and 3) Gross Total Income.

•           This is an extra conclusion which won't frame the piece of Sec.80C limit.

•           The conclusion under this segment won't be qualified for independently employed.

NPS Tax Benefits under Sec.80CCD (1B)

•           This is the extra tax cut of up to Rs.50,000 qualified for money to assess reasoning and was presented in the Budget 2015

•           Introduced in Budget 2015. One can profit the advantage of this Sect.80CCD (1B) from FY 2015-16.

•           Both independently employed and workers are qualified for profiting this finding.

•           This is far beyond Sec.80CCD (1).

I clarified each of the three areas of NPS (Sec.80CCD1, Sec.80CCD2 and Sec.80CCD(1B) in beneath picture for your reference.


Download One by One Preparation Excel Based Income Tax Form 16 Part B for the Financial Year 2018-19

 Best Tax Saving Options other than Sec.80C for 2018-19


Derivation under this area is accessible on the off chance that you fulfill the accompanying conditions.

•           The citizen ought to be an individual (inhabitant, NRI or Foreign Citizen) or HUF.

•           Payment ought to be made out of pay chargeable to assess.

•           Payment ought to be in NON-CASH mode (for preventive wellbeing check-up, you can pay either through money or non-money mode).

Changes from Budget 2018-

1.         In Budget 2018, the greatest duty reasoning point of confinement for senior natives under Sec.80D is raised to Rs.50,000. As far as possible was Rs.30,000.

2.         In an instance of single premium medical coverage strategies having a front of over one year, it is suggested that the derivation will be permitted on a proportionate reason for the number of years for which health care coverage cover is given, subject to the predefined money related limit.

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I will endeavor to outline the entire profit by beneath picture.


An occupant individual or HUF is permitted to guarantee the reasoning under Sec.80DD. You can guarantee the reasoning in the event that you acquired a consumption for therapeutic treatment, preparing, and recovery of ward relative (being an individual with an incapacity).

Reasoning can likewise be asserted if an individual or HUF saved or paid for any affirmed plan of LIC (or some other protection) or UTI for the support of such ward relative.