March 16, 2019

How to E-Filing Revised Income Tax Return if you got any Notice from the Income Tax Department?

To blunders is human and you can likewise commit the error in pay government form. This error can be amended by e documenting the reconsidered return. Like a unique return, You can would e be able to record amended salary government form on the web. In this post, I would disclose to you the strategy to document such return.

Tenets for Filing Revised Return

The pay charge division has referenced principles of changed return in area 139 (5) of the pay charge act. In this demonstration, you would discover a few conditions for documenting the modified return.

Update Return in a similar Assessment year

You should e-record changed return before the finish of the appraisal year. For instance, in the event that you are e-documenting salary assessment form of FY 2017-18, you should e-record amended pay government form before 31st March 2019. The last date for recording pay expense form is 31st July of the Assessment Year.

Update Not Possible After the Assessment

You should deal with this standard as these days salary charge office does the appraisal of arrival inside 2 months. After the appraisal of arrival, you can't modify it.

When you document salary expense form, the evaluating officer from the pay charge division checks it. In the case of all is well, the officer endorses the arrival. With this progression, the appraisal gets finished and you can't document a modified return.

Must Be documented in the Same Mode

You should pick a similar mode for e-documenting the changed salary government form. On the off chance that you have documented a unique salary assessment form on the web, the overhauled returns ought to be likewise recorded on the web. The equivalent is additionally valid for the disconnected return.

No Restriction on Number of Revised Return

It is a decent guideline for you. You can e-document changed salary government form the same number of times as you wish. Be that as it may, this freedom closes the day when the appraisal of return is finished. You get a mail of this respect.

Can Be Revised After Late Return Also

You can record changed return even after the late return. An arrival is called remiss if is recorded after the due date. Before AY 2017-18, you couldn't update the tardy return. However, at this point, you are qualified to do it. The new principle is material from Assessment year 2017-18.

Step by step instructions to File Revised Return Online

In this post, I am revealing to you the online strategy for recording updated pay government form. It is as simple as documenting the first return. I trust you realize the e documenting of salary government form. If not, experience it.

Like the first return, you need to visit the pay charge e-filing entrance. Tap on the login catch.


Enter the PAN, Password, date of birth and captcha. The dashboard of the e-filing would open

 Step- 3

You would see two noticeable connections in the dashboard.

•           Filing of Income Tax Return: Use this connect to document an amended return.

•           View Returns/Forms: It would demonstrate to you the as of now recorded returns.

Stage 4

•           In the following page, You need to pick the evaluation year of the overhauled return.

•           Select the arrival structure. For a salaried representative, it would be the ITR-1.

•           The accommodation mode ought to be 'Get ready and Submit on the web' as this instructional exercise is about the online mode.

•           Select the confirmation strategy. For the vast majority of the citizens, Aadhaar OTP would be the most advantageous.

Step- 5

Presently, you would see the salary assessment form structure. This structure has numerous tabs. The main tab is for guidance. You should peruse this page.

The second tab is the general data. This page is critical for the modified return. Toward the start of this page, you need to give your own subtleties and contact subtleties.

Step 6

After the individual data, you need to pick whether you are documenting a unique return or modified return. You should pick the reexamined return.

When you pick the changed return, the next two fields would end up dynamic. In these fields, you need to enter the affirmation number of the first return. You should not fill the affirmation number of the reexamined return whether you have effectively modified it before.

You need to likewise enter the date of documenting unique return.

Step - 7

In the following tabs, you need to enter the salary and assessment subtleties. You can update data while recording the arrival. In the wake of finishing the entire structure, you should submit it.

To know the itemized instructional exercise of next pages, you should peruse my post on e-documenting of salary assessment form. In this post, you would discover the well-ordered strategy for documenting pay expense form. Here I am talking about just that part which is significant to overhauled return.

Clear All Dues Before Submitting Revised Return

On the off chance that any duty obligation emerges before documenting the changed return, you should make good on the government obligation before presenting the arrival structure. Since you would make good on pay government obligation after the due date, you would be required to pay the correctional intrigue.

After the salary charge installment, remember to enter challan subtleties in the reconsidered return structure.

Confirmation Of Revised Return

Like the first return, you need to again confirm the salary assessment form after the online accommodation. You would discover a few techniques for ITR check. These are the strategies for confirmation.

•           Net Banking

•           Aadhaar OTP

•           Bank ATM

•           Bank Account Number

•           Demat Account Number

Note: Your unique return and changed return both ought to be confirmed. So deal with that while recording the arrival.