July 12, 2019

Income Tax Deduction and Exemption From Insurance policy Premium With Automated Income Tax Preparation Excel Based Software All in One for Assam State Govt Employees for F.Y. 2019-20

A large portion of the general population put resources into Life Insurance strategies. Either in LIC, India's biggest Government Insurance organization or in a Private Life Insurance Company. A large portion of us likewise leans toward Health Insurance for us and our relatives. The fundamental rationale of protection is to verify our life from possibilities. Be that as it may, aside from that, on the off chance that we may get tax reductions moreover. This would resemble 'wonderful finish'

The Insurance arrangements do give tax cut on a venture just as on the recovery or guarantee. Thus, in this article, I will enlighten you regarding Income charge conclusion and exception on protection approaches

Assessment Deduction on Premium Payment

The top-notch which you pay for your extra security strategy meets all requirements for a duty reasoning u/s 80C. Also, the most extreme point of confinement of the duty derivation under this segment is Rs 1.5 lakh. This area comprises of some different speculations too.

Then again, the premium of medical coverage strategy meets all requirements for an expense reasoning u/s 80D. The greatest furthest reaches of the derivation of medical coverage premium is Rs 25,000, which you pay for you or your family.

You can guarantee an additional assessment conclusion up to Rs 25,000 for the medical coverage premium of your folks.

The point of confinement of Rs 25,000 is upgraded to 50,000 if the Insured individual is of 60 years or above. This concerns you and your folks both.

In the event that you and your folks, both are senior natives, you can guarantee charge derivation up to Rs 1 lakh.

How much advantage you would get

Be that as it may, you can pay a premium past the cutoff points. In any case, there is a cutoff of the expense conclusion on it. In the event that the premium paid is not exactly as far as possible, you will get reasoning just for the sum paid.

In view of this conclusion, you can decrease the deductible sum from your gross complete pay and along these lines, it results in diminished assessment risk.

Note, the assessment finding on protection premium is accessible for Individuals and HUFs.

"Segment 80C and Section 80D of Income-charge Act qualifies indicated citizens for case a finding for the whole sum paid to the insurance agency for determined protection plans. GST, being a roundabout assessment, is charged/recouped by the provider of administrations from the beneficiary with the real estimation of administration. Subsequently, an aggregate perusing of personal expense and GST laws would resound that the whole sum paid to the insurance agency including material GST would be permitted as a conclusion."

Duty Exemption on Maturity Amount

Aside from the duty derivation on the protection premium, the administration gives charge exception additionally on the development sum got. This exception is accessible u/s 10(10D). It is like expense exclusion accessible to the PPF and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana.

In addition, on the off chance that you get a sum as a little something extra on development or before development against your protection strategy, it will likewise be tax-exempt. The passing case is likewise completely duty exempted.

Download Automated All in One TDS on Salary for The Assam State Govt Employees for the Financial Year 2019-2020 and Assessment Year 20120-2021 With New Format of Form 16 Part B.

 The feature of this Excel Utility is the following:-

1) This Excel Utility can prepare automatic Tax Calculation as per new Finance Budget 2019
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3) Automated Individually Salary Sheet for each Employee
4) Automated Income Tax Salary Sheet for each Employee 
5) This Excel Utility calculate your House Rent Exemption Calculation U/s 10(13A)
6) Automated Income Tax Form 16 Part A&B for F.Y. 2019-20
7) Automated Income Tax Form 16 Part B for the F.Y. 2019-20 

Conditions For Tax Deduction on Life Insurance Premium

As per the principles, you get the duty finding and exclusion on your protection arrangements. Yet, there are a few conditions also.

Who is qualified for case

You can guarantee a duty conclusion on the strategy just for you, your companion and your kids. That is to say, in the event that you have taken an approach for people other than those, as, for your folks, your sibling/sister, your mate guardians, would not be qualified for an assessment finding. Besides, there is no limitation on the number of youngsters independent of whether they are real, minor, subordinate or not, wedded, unmarried or received.

In which Year You can Claim

You can guarantee a conclusion just in that money-related year in which you pay the premium. For instance, if the due date for the installment of the premium is up to 31 March 2019, yet you pay in April 2019. For this situation, you can't guarantee the finding in the monetary year 2018-19. You are qualified to guarantee the paid sum in the monetary year 2019-20.

The Premium Limit

On the off chance that you have taken the arrangement on or after first April 2012, the premium must be under 10% of the whole guaranteed. This condition is likewise vital for expense exception on development. Nonetheless, in the event that you have taken your approach before 31st March 2012 the breaking point of 20% applies rather than 10%.

In the event that Premium is more than the Limit

In the event that your premium is more than the breaking point, you will get the finding up as far as possible. The rest measure of premium won't be considered for finding.

Incapacity or Severe Disease

In the event that you have taken a strategy on or after first April 2013 for the sake of an individual experiencing a handicap or extreme illness, the utmost of 10% increments to 15%.

Least Holding Period

To guarantee conclusion u/s 80C, you need to pursue the standard of the least holding period identified with certain ventures/stores.

In the event that any of the previously mentioned speculations goes to end or deal, and so on before the predetermined least holding time frame. You can't guarantee reasoning for the premium paid in the time of end/give up. What's more, the conclusions asserted in before years would be considered as your pay of the money related year in which end or give up happens. At that point, you need to cover the regulatory expense on it.

Note, the Lock-in period is not the same as the holding time frame. Get familiar with the lock-in period in the coming Sections.

Conditions for Tax Deduction on Health Insurance premium

           You can guarantee for an assessment conclusion on medical coverage premium paid for yourself, your life partner, your youngsters (just reliant) and your folks.

           In the instance of HUF, the premium paid for any part is qualified for a duty finding.

Imagine a scenario where You Don't Pay Premium for a long time.

In a customary arrangement of life coverage approach, there is a 'Lock-in-Period'. Regardless, what the residency of the strategy is. During the lock-in-period, you can not pull back the cash. For the most part, the lock-in period is 5 years from the beginning of the strategy.

During the Lock-in-period, you would not get the advantages of your strategy, similar to, return, reward, credit and so on. Indeed, you would not have the option to pull back your contributed sum until 5 years.

Imagine a scenario in which you stop Payment After 5 Years.

Assume, the residency of your approach is 10 years. You pay the premiums for a long time (up to secure period) as it were. From that point onward, you stop installment. Presently, you have two choices. You can either proceed with your strategy without premium for the full-time frame or take the installment right away.

Expense Treatment of ULIP versus ELSS

Fundamentally, Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP) are Insurance cum Investment items. While Equity Linked Savings Scheme (ELSS) is absolutely a speculation item. It is a kind of shared store.


In a ULIP item, you can guarantee the advantage of the duty reasoning on speculation up to Rs 1.5 lakh u/s 80C. The arrival you get from ULIP is likewise completely exempted from expense u/s 10(10D).


Expense reasoning on speculation up to Rs 1.5 lakh u/s 80C is likewise relevant for ELSS. In addition, the arrival against ELSS as Long Term Capital Gain (LTCG) will be exempted from assessment up to Rs 1 lakh. That is to say, if the arrival is more than Rs 1 lakh, the abundance would be assessable.

Subsequently, to guarantee charge findings and exceptions against protection strategies, you should know about every one of the conditions. Else, you would lose the tax break and would not have the option to diminish your expense obligation.